Evolution of Gaming Wiki
Crash Landing
Title Crash Landing
Created by LnDProductions
Starring Jbadboy
Genre Role-Play
Quest Book
Era Terminus Era
Series Run
Status: Not Started


2 Years Ago,

A great destruction happened in one area of Voltz - Voltz Neighborhood #52. A failed project caused massive destruction and have destroyed the whole neighborhood. Before that, there was a battle between two sides. LnDPro and Jbadboy defeated the evil Governor Rewas in an underground laboratory beneath the neighborhood.

The laboratory initiated a self-distruct mechanism and the whole place started to collapse. LnDPro made it out, while Jbadboy got stuck inside and suffered the inevitable death.

2 Years Later,

A new war has begun, a space war. Earth, was the first victim. Human's last chance was to move out from the planet and into the never ending space. Earth - was no more safe. LnDPro and Doublepulse had a spaceship and did all their best to recover everything that was left from the Voltz Neighborhood #52 - including some remaining parts of a human body.

Jbadboy's human body was reconstructed with new DNA and new human body parts, he's once again - alive. But as LnDPro explained what happened throughout the years, their spaceship was underattacked and they had no choice but to run to the escape pod and escape. They crash land on an unknown planet of no life, but great danger.


